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Shiji przedstawia wykres dystrybucji technologii hotelarskich 2024: migawka na temat ewolucji technologii hotelowej

Konsolidacja w branży, ewolucja marki i skupienie się na personalizacji to tylko niektóre z kluczowych trendów definiujących krajobraz dystrybucji 2024 branży hotelarsko-gastronomicznej.

BARCELONA, Spain, styczeń 17, 2024 – Shiji, the global hospitality technology innovator, proudly presents its highly anticipated 2024 Hospitality Distribution Technology Chart, encapsulating the distribution landscape within the hospitality technology sector. The updated chart illustrates the evolution of the distribution space through continued acquisitions, strategic brand movements, new segments, and more.

The trend of acquisitions and consolidation since 2022 has continued apace, with notable acquisitions by Cendyn and SHR Group reflecting a concerted push for the creation of one-stop-shop platforms. Several brands have introduced new products, such as Shiji with its innovative Shiji Enterprise Platform (PMS), while others have rebranded completely in order to evolve with the market.  

Wykres 2024 wprowadza także dwie nowe sekcje, podkreślając kluczową rolę Travel Affiliates w poszerzaniu zasięgu usług turystycznych oraz Bedbanks jako kluczowych pośredników pomiędzy hotelami i biurami podróży. Skoncentrowanie się na spersonalizowanych doświadczeniach gości i interoperacyjności pomiędzy systemami pozostało priorytetami hoteli pragnących wprowadzać innowacje i zachować konkurencyjność.  

The Shiji Hospitality Distribution Technology Chart was first published in 2015 and has become the global reference for the hotel industry’s distribution technology landscape. The companies represented on the chart are among the largest in their category and are selected by industry experts.  

O Shiji

Shiji is a multi-national technology company that provides software solutions and services for enterprise companies in the hospitality, food service, retail, and entertainment industries, ranging from hospitality technology platforms, hotel property management solutions, food and beverage and retail systems, payment gateways, data management, online distribution and more. Founded in 1998 as a network solutions provider for hotels, Shiji today comprises over 5,000 employees in 80+ subsidiaries and brands in over 31 countries, serving more than 91,000 hotels, 200,000 restaurants, and 600,000 retail outlets. For more information visit


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